FUTURE PROGRESSIVE AND FUTURE PERFECT Future progressive or continuous We can use the future continuous ( will/won't be + - ing form) to talk about future actions that: will be in progress at a specific time in the future: When you come out of school tomorrow, I'll be boarding a plane. Try to call before 8 o'clock. After that, we'll be watching the match. You can visit us during the first week of July. I won't be working then. we see as new, different or temporary: Today we're taking the bus but next week we'll be taking the train. He'll be staying with his parents for several months while his father is in recovery. Will you be starting work earlier with your new job? Future perfect We use the future perfect simple ( will/won't have + past participle) to talk about something that will be completed before a specific time in the future. The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I'll have finished cooking by then. On 9 October we'll have been mar...
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MODAL VERBS GENERAL INFORMATION Short Grammar Test A. Complete the chart with the correct uses of the modal verbs and the correct past tense forms. Present Tense Use Past Tense Must / Have to Can’t / Mustn’t Can Permission Could Be able to Don’t have to B. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence. Make sure to put the verb in the correct tense (PAST or PRESENT). MUST / HAVE TO CAN’T / MUSTN’T CAN / BE ABLE TO DON’T HAVE TO 1) She _____________ f...
Verb Patterns 2 REMEMBER, TRY, STOP, FORGET, REGRET They can be followed by either the gerund or the infinitive with a change in meaning. Remember + gerund This is when you remember something that has happened in the past. You have a memory of it, like being able to see a movie of it in your head. I remember going to the beach when I was a child. (= I have a memory of going to the beach). He remembers closing the door. (= He has a memory of closing the door). Remember + to + infinitive This is when you think of something that you need to do. (And usually, you then do the thing). I remembered to buy milk. (= I was walking home and the idea that I needed milk came into my head, so I bought some). She remembered to send a card to her grandmother. Forget + gerund This is the opposite of remember + gerund. It's when you forget about a memory, something that you've done in the past. Have we really studied this topic before? I forget reading about it. I told ...
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