MODAL VERBS GENERAL INFORMATION Short Grammar Test A. Complete the chart with the correct uses of the modal verbs and the correct past tense forms. Present Tense Use Past Tense Must / Have to Can’t / Mustn’t Can Permission Could Be able to Don’t have to B. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentence. Make sure to put the verb in the correct tense (PAST or PRESENT). MUST / HAVE TO CAN’T / MUSTN’T CAN / BE ABLE TO DON’T HAVE TO 1) She _____________ f...
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UNIT 7 TOPIC 1: SUBJECT QUESTIONS Subject questions are questions we ask when we want information about the subject of something. The subject of a sentence is the person or thing that performs the action. Who works in a bank? Mary . ¿ Quién trabaja en un banco? Mary. La estructura de las subject questions en inglés Las subject questions se utilizan para saber quién o qué realiza la acción, es decir, formulamos preguntas sobre el sujeto de una oración. Este tipo de preguntas siguen la estructura siguiente: Question word + verbo principal + (complementos) ? Tomaremos de referencia la misma frase anterior: En este caso solo podemos formular una subject question : Who bought this nice mug in Ireland? TOPIC 2: OBJECT QUESTIONS Most questions in English are object questions – we want to know about the receiver of the action. These questio...
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THE MOST COMMON SEPARABLE AND NOT SEPARABLE VERBS Phrasal Verb Separable or Inseparable Meaning Ask out Separable To ask someone to go out on a date. Bring about, bring on Separable To make something happen Bring up Separable 1) To raise children 2) To raise a topic Call back Separable Return someone's telephone call Call in Separable Ask someone into an official place or office Call off Separable Cancel Call on Inseparable 1) Ask someone to do something 2) Visit Call up Separable Call someone on the telephone Catch up Inseparable To become equal or reach the same level Check in, check into Inseparable Register at a hotel or travel counter Check out Inseparable Leave a hotel Check out of Inseparable Leave a hotel Cheer up Separable Make someone happy Clean up Separable Tidy, make clean Come across Inseparable To find Cross out Separable Eliminate Cut out Separable Remove something or stop doing something annoying Do over Separable Repeat Drop by Inseparable Visit unexpecte...